Done is Better Than Perfect
May 29, 2017
You're up against the clock with your current project. It should have been done yesterday. Clients are waiting, emails are going unanswered, new leads are going unexplored. All because the project just isn't quite perfect yet.
We at SocializeLA have a little slogan and it goes like this, "done is better than perfect." We know how difficult it is to let the project out of our hands when we could still make it "better". This sounds like the road to an imperfect world where absolutely nothing gets done!
The truth is that it doesn't need to be perfect. Or, as we like to believe, it will never be perfect UNTIL is it done.
So, as we round the corner into the second half of the year, we'd like to give you one of our biggest tips yet. Finish The Project. Delegate. Ask for help. Believe in yourself. Work with your team. Get it done!
Are you looking for some direction or simply a little inspiration? Are you looking for an extra set of hands on deck to help you manage your social media marketing projects or to take them off your plate entirely? We're here to help. Check out our complimentary phone consultation with one of our marketing experts to learn more about our services. We can't wait to hear from you!
Have a great day!
Sara Hall
Social Media Content Writer,
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