Do what you love, love what you do!
Aug 10, 2018
Do what you love, love what you do!
This has ALWAYS been my motto at SocializeLA and it’s truly something all of us here live by! As a virtual company, the team at SocializeLA lives internationally and we all chase our passions on a daily basis!
One of our digital content creators, Sara Hall, lives in the Cayman Islands and is doing HUGE things to promote and empower women in SCUBA DIVING! As a good friend and valuable member of the team, her journey is one I have been following since I’ve known her.
She and her team of divers at DiveTech Grand Cayman gathered 86 women on Women’s Dive Day this June to set a new World Record for the longest underwater female human chain! The event raised over $3,000 for The Cayman Islands Breast Cancer Foundation. [Watch the video below]
At SocializeLA we are ALL about chasing dreams. We only live once, our mission is to make this life extraordinary!