Roses are red…

at hand cmo blogs from @margmarieb business owner advice Feb 14, 2022

Love notes to your business.

Remember when you were just starting your business, and everything was sunshine and roses? When you moved seamlessly into a CEO role, masterfully controlled your schedule, and checked everything off your to-do list by the end of each day? You were excited to answer that email and go to the networking event.

Great! Me too. Or, no? Ok, maybe that was a fantasy. πŸ˜‚

Something I DO remember from the early days of starting my business was a constant feeling of excitement. There was an underlying energy to everything I did. Some of it was nervous energy, as I was making big decisions that I knew would impact the future of my business.

And through it all, I was just so in love with the vision that I was bringing to life. I knew in my heart that I had a unique perspective and insight to share. And now, 13 years later, that love has grown in ways I never thought possible.

Yet as I get wrapped up in the day-to-day demands of running my business, I sometimes FORGET how much I love what I do. Which seems crazy, but it’s true!

Which is why, this Valentines Day, I challenge you to “fall back in love with your business.” Will you take a few minutes to write an old fashioned love note to your business? πŸ’Œ

Here are my love notes to SocializeLA:

You are one of a kind.

You positively impact those around you.

You are important.

You are worth the late nights and early mornings.

You are fun!

You make the world a better place.









Wishing you much love and success! β€οΈ 

~ Margaret and the SocializeLA Team