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"Dear Presidential contenders of 2016, do yourself a favor and use a memorable hashtag."
Next year (2016) is a Presidential Election year (YAY, exciting). I remember as a little girl voting day, and the excitement of the results. One specific election I remember was in 1992. I was at...
From the Point of View of Business Owners & Marketing Professionals
Common questions from actual professionals.
For business owners and marketing professionals of 10+ years they've seen a huge change in marketing, media, sales, and technology. A major component of this change is Social...
"Create a customer journey. Guide your audience from the time they first notice you to the time they choose you. Increase your Visibility, Credibility, and LIKEability in a few strategic steps."
Does your business have a social media strategy? 6 out of 10 small businesses have issues with their...
"Building an online audience takes time. However, there are ways to make big waves and see results right away when you know your target audience."
Each year we'll continue to see a shift in social media usage. These stats will be outdated soon (if they aren't slightly already)....
Inbound Marketing Serves Your Business in more ways than you can imagine!
A valuable piece of advice: Inbound marketing is important to your business (B2B, B2C, Government, Utilities, etc..). Why? Using your (strategic) content to market (content marketing) your company...